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Get to Know Us

PCRP was co-founded in 2016 by Becky Skeele and Robbie Greene. Becky serves as Executive Director of PCRP, while Robbie refers to himself as PCRP’s “Geographer”, insisting that maps are the answer to everything.

We have a great team working with us, either as full-time staff (Environmental Planner, Outreach Coordinator, etc…), or on a part-time, project-specific basis (e.g. Forestry Technicians). PCRP is also fortunate to have a constantly evolving cast of plants, animals, and marine flotsam that pop up around the office, thanks to our highly inquisitive staff!

Our office is situated on the Island of Saipan, on Beach Road in the heart of Garapan Village. Stop by for a chat if you’re in the neighborhood. Otherwise, use the form below to get in touch with us.



Pacific Coastal Research & Planning | Beach Road - Garapan, Saipan, CNMI

Phone: (670) 233-7277 | Email: