Achugao and LaoLao Watershed Restoration Sites
Have feedback on watershed sites? Provide your input below.
TMS Stormwater management master plan
Tanapag Middle School suffers from reoccurring flooding during heavy rain events with no existing stormwater management plan in place. This project will develop a stormwater plan that will better manage runoff and incorporates existing onsite features including a rain garden and bioretention basin.
LaoLao Dive Site Improvements
The project design is a mixture of stormwater and recreational improvements including: two bioretention basins, permeable pavement parking, formalized beach access paths, a covered palapala, and a covered equipment pavilion.
Project Update: Landowner permission has been give to improve this site.
Feedback from the Northern Mariana Diving Operators Association (NMDOA):
Reduce sedimentation and stormwater runoff onsite.
Improve parking or expand parking, if possible.
Enhance security and ability to assess ocean conditions via CCTV camera in parking lot.
As agatan stream crossing
CNMI Department of Public Works (DPW) will be implementing stormwater improvements to reduce flooding along Middle Road. Project design includes a culvert across the road with a bioswale and oil and grit separator to filter runoff before outfall.
Project Update: CNMI DPW has already received permitting approval for this project.
LaoLao Bay Living Shoreline
LaoLao Bay Drive suffers from coastal erosion during large wave events that threatens the integrity of the road. Project design will feature a living shoreline to combat wave run-up and drainage improvements to better handle heavy rain events.